On the evening of August 5, a sunset concert was held at Yuanlin Wetland Park in Jiujiang, Nanhai. Familiar melodies once again resounded along the Xijiang River, igniting a grand chorus among the audience. The concert also featured a charitable flash camp of music and coffee. A total of 13 vendors presented various types of coffee, baked goods, and handmade cultural and creative products at the camp, offering a unique experience to residents and tourists.
8月5日晚,九江儒林湾夕阳音乐会“啡跃·够意思”专场在南海九江源林湿地公园举行,熟悉的旋律再度唱响西江,带动了全场大合唱。现场还举行了慈善音乐咖啡快闪营地活动,13个店家带来的各式咖啡、烘焙和手作文创产品,为市民游客带来了独特体验。(更多新闻资讯,请关注羊城派 pai.ycwb.com)
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